Disciples of Mozart Conquer Cuban Audience

Disciples of Mozart Conquer Cuban Audience
Fecha de publicación: 
23 October 2015
Imagen principal: 

The rector of the higher education center in Austria, Siegfried Mauser, guided his pupils yesterday from the piano, to bring about a successful meeting with the lovers of classical music in the Cuban capital.

Included in the program of the Mozart Festival, Havana 2015, the performance brought together Florian Willeitner (violin), Fedor Roudine (violin), Benedict Mitterbauer (viola) and Shizuca Mitsui (cello), students from the university located in the city where the author of "Requiem" was born in 1756.

Piano Quartets No. 1 and 2, and Violin Sonatas No 21 and 32, rocked the Havana auditorium that vibrated when the creations of one of the most prolific composers in the world was heard.

The concert, attended by Austria's ambassador to Cuba, Gerlinde Paschinger, combined the technical skills of beginners and the sensitivity of Mozart, who during his short life covered all genres of his time to create symphonies, operas, and concerts.

Scheduled until Saturday, Oct. 22, the Mozart Festival, Habana 2015, is a tribute to the Austrian violinist and composer, author of memorable pieces, such as Don Giovanni and The Magic Flute.(Prensa Latina)

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